Search Avamar backups for a file or folder

Do you get requests to restore a file or folder from Avamar only to have the user have no idea where it was actually located? Do you not have Data Protection Search?

Well, here is a fairly easy way to get the location you need from Avamar CLI.

Log in as admin through your favorite SSH client and run

avtar --list --account=path_of_client --after="YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss" --before="YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss" --verbose | grep file_name


path_of_client is the Avamar domain location of the system /clients/servername

file_name is a file or folder name you want to find.

Avamar: single node sizing

When you replace a grid with a single node, there is often concern from customers about the amount of metadata on the grid, and if a single node will have enough storage. Regardless of the size of the grid, the metadata space is limited to 3.9TB, which (depending on the amount of deduplication you're getting) amounts to somewhere in the 500-750TB of backup data range. Conveniently, an M1200 utility node has 3.9TB of useable space. So, regardless of the size of your grid, it can be replaced with a M1200 Single Node Avamar. As long as you don't store any data on the node itself. There is a procedure to lock the Avamar from receiving backup data, and it's a good idea to run the procedure as part of the migration (or new installation) of a single node Avamar.